Check out all our services and think what do you want
Our infrastructure is LTI 1.3 complaint, and it can integrate into “ANY” LMS or custom infrastructure to provide a seamless user experience.
Our portal usage is interactive and easy to navigate with a short explanatory on-screen tutorial that makes easy navigation.
At NthEye, professors have an option to join live sessions with candidates for on-demand compliance checks and integrity validations.
Our proctoring solutions offer institutions full dashboard control of examinations, terms, professors, finances, and user access permissions.
Our global support team is always available on chat and on-call by dialing us at +1 (408) 718-4217 to help you with your on-demand requirement.
NthEye follows global compliance data security requirements as our promoters have decades of information security background.
NthEye’s artificial intelligence systems use machine learning to perform a series of biometrics, facial, and ID data authentication.
NthEye provides detailed metrics to access various information related to your sessions, such as violations, completion, and relevant statistics.
NthEye’s intuitive reports will be published after every session with detailed metrics such as violations by criticality, and also with relevant evidence.