Once you are done with your exam, you can access the exam recording within 24 hours.
At NthEye, we aim at achieving 100% security. We use ID, KBA and biometrics to verify a test-taker’s identity.
To access the dashboard you need to login first and then visit this link.
Once you are done with the examination, you can see the reports within 24 hours.
Being a professor, you can join a student live. Once you join, you can take snapshots of the student and record a video snippet of his/her activities.
Specific time frame for an exam can be created while you are creating an exam.
Videos and photos related to violations during an exam are available on your dashboard.
In case, you have forgotten your password you can recover it by clicking on the forgot password option present on this page.
To view escalated exams, you need to click on the escalation tab present on the dashboard.